In late summer of 2002 I began a documentary project examining the lives of working fisherman primarily in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I was interested in the towns of Salvo and Avon at the time and developed a relationship with a group of local private non-corporate fishermen. Over time I was forced to walk away from the work and unfortunately the notebooks of information on the photographic work were lost to house moves over and over during the last 18 years. Now, I have decided to pick the project back up and expand its width and breadth to include the Chesapeake bay and Delaware. As I track down the people in these photos, the names and stories will return and the contrast from almost two decades of change will begin to become apparent in the story.
For now, I have these photos and hundreds more like them that I will release and talk about over time. As I regain the information about their subjects, I will update the stories to include them. While I create new work, with new people, I will post those stories here as well. Come with me on a journey that just may span another two decades outlining the lives and stories of a people that have always lived on the brink and deserve to be recognized.